
Three days ago after applying the paste to my brush I looked in the bathroom mirror to (for whatever reason we do) watch myself brush my teeth.  Then I saw it.  Three, rather than two, small circles reflecting back at me, two black and one red, two pupils and one  . . .
Subconjunctival Hemorrhage.  Web MD, an actual MD, and an ophthalmic assistant assure me that that is the name of the blood spot in my eye.

They all assure me that it will disappear.  In the meantime, I avoid looking myself in the eye.  I’m one for whom watching anyone, including my wife, put drops in their eyes or remove a rogue lash proves traumatic.  Given the choice between watching a doctor examine an eye and a surgeon repair a heart, I would choose the latter. 

Tonight, as I brush my teeth, I will find something rather than my reflection to observe for those two minutes (plus flossing, if I do as I should).  I will avoid eye contact.

Avoiding eye contact.  We do that for reasons beyond subconjunctival hemorrhages.  


Fear of self-betrayal.

Cognitive dissonance.

Desperate attempts at self-deception.
A traditional proverb assures us that “the eyes are the window to the soul.”  Therefore, fans of taking their “everyday, ordinary” lives and placing “them before God as an offering” (see Romans 12, The Message) need to look themselves in the eye.  As we look into our own eyes, we will observe our souls and discover answers to questions.   
Have I really forgiven him?

Do I really believe that God created me for a purpose?

Do I know that God loves me?
As we look into our own eyes, we also discover our spots.  Yes - subconjunctival hemorrhages; but more importantly, blind spots. 
What have I been ignoring?

What sin continues to entangle me?

Do I still have that plank in my eye?  Speck?
Tonight as you prepare for bedtime, remember to brush your teeth, floss, and . . . Look Yourself in the Eye.

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